Kanon Wakeshima. Such a cute girl. Plays the cello, has a sweet voice. What can you ask for more? I knew her from VK (but then who doesn't?) Fan of hers X3 Recently she became popular after smthg?
Biography from Wiki:
Before her birth, Wakeshima's music loving parents wished for her to be a musician. At the age of three, she began learning the cello beginning her entry into the world of music. In junior high school she formed her own ensemble group. At the age of fifteen, she transitioned from her former classical ensembles into playing in the baroque section. Appearing in a variety of recitals and concerts throughout her school years, she began writing her own music and combining singing with her cello playing at the age of sixteen. As she transitioned from junior high school to high school, she began writing her own music and singing. She gave her first vocal performances during a high school festival.[4]
Wakeshima auditioned at Sony Music Entertainment as a singer, originally not intending to include her cello playing with her demo tape, but later changing her mind after experimenting with performing with the piano. She became a finalist at the audition, contracting with the Sony subsidiary DefSTAR Records and debuting on May 28, 2008 with her first single, "Still Doll."[5] The single was chosen to be used for the ending theme of the first season of the anime adaptation of the manga series Vampire Knight.[3][6][7]
She uses three cellos, one for performing, one for music videos and one for recording. Wakeshima has given each cello a name. The white cello is known as Mikazuki-san which means "crescent moon." This is the cello she is normally seen performing on during live performances. The red cello is known as "Nanachie-san" which means wisdom. This is the cello commonly seen in her music videos. According to Wakeshima, Nanachie-san is very hard to play but she manages. Her third cello is a brown cello called "Yaeharu-san" which means "multi-layered spring." Yaeharu-san is very special to Wakeshima since it is the cello she had since middle school and is the one she practices on and records with. Currently, she had a new silver cello named "Momotose".[citation needed]
She has recently formed a group with An Cafe's bassist, Kanon, called kanonxkanon. The groups will sing the second theme song for the horror anime, Shiki (manga), called Calendula Requiem (カレンデュラ レクイエム).
ALBUM : Shinshoku Dolce (1)

ALBUM: Lolitawork Libretto

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