SF-A2 miki (SF-A2 開発コード miki) is a Japanese Vocaloid released in December 4, 2009.
Usage for Music
Miki has been used mostly for pop songs.
Her voice is often compared to other existing vocaloids such as Rin, Luka and Meiko and is noted for her voicebanks sounding similar to other Vocaloids. This makes her a varied Vocaloid but led to many complaints at her release that everything Miki does has already been covered by other Vocaloids in the Vocaloid 2 era.
However, despite the inital complaints towards the lack of distinction with in her voice, she has hidden talents as a "Jack of all trades" amongst the female Vocaloids. Her voicebanks are easy to blend in with current voicebanks and she can be used to close the gaps between the other female ranges to smooth out the differences between the singing group. This also ensures with some minor adjustments she can be the partner to almost all of the female voicebanks within her era and harmonizes well with them.
She was also used for the introduction of the Hello Kitty game, Hello Kitty to Issho!
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